Quantum: The Latest Innovation

Looking for luxury with easy handling, plenty of storage and big, bright windows?
The Thor Quantum is the latest innovation of Class C.
Thor Motor Coaches are each supported by Thor’s Shield of Protection: Concierge Connection, 24/7 Support, Rapid Response Shipping, One Source Warranty Solutions.
Perfect for your growing or downsizing family, the Quantum is budget friendly with a luxurious Class A feel, compacted into a Class C package. Designed for power and maneuverability, the Thor Quantum motorcoach is perfect for the weekend getaway alone or tournament hopping.
Sporting a beautifully accented interior design with:
Three Interior Decor Options:
Arctic Blast
Regal Onyx
Sparkling Wine

Three full size refrigerator choices 6,11,16 cubic foot give you and your crew plenty of options to give you the space that you need. Your Quantum’s kitchen is complete with a three burner cook-top and oven combo. Offering a wide variety of interior options the Quantum is high on personalization, efficiency, maximum RV living fun for you and your whole family!